About 3 weeks ago a lady running for Minnesota Congress, Char Samuelson, asked my husband if she could put a lawn-sign in our yard. He agreed, but the more we read about her, the more we both agreed with each other that we support her opponant, Geri Evans DFL , so we removed the sign from our yard and just brought it up closer to our house, leaning against our side fence.
All this time, my husband has been calling local John Kerry campaign headquarters to ask them to deliver a Kerry-Edwards lawn sign.After 3 reqeusts, we still didn't get one, so our friend Derek just went to their office, because he lives near there, and got us one. Thanks Derek! We put it up, in our yard, near the curb. Two days later I found the paper sign ripped off of the wire frame. I put it back on. The next day the sign was completely removed from our property, the empty wire frame still implanted in our yard. So within about 3 days of getting our Kerry-Edwards lawn sign, it was vandalized and stolen.
Yesterday, we looked out on our front lawn, and saw Geri Evans had set up a lawn sign in our yard.We're leaving it up, because we support her anyway, but neither of us remember authorizing it!
And the Char Samuelson sign that was leaning against the side of our house? Also missing! I was going to return it to her campaign headquarters , but now it's gone too!
We wonder what the neighbors think of us keeping up lawn signs for 3 days, then having them go missing like that.
All this time, my husband has been calling local John Kerry campaign headquarters to ask them to deliver a Kerry-Edwards lawn sign.After 3 reqeusts, we still didn't get one, so our friend Derek just went to their office, because he lives near there, and got us one. Thanks Derek! We put it up, in our yard, near the curb. Two days later I found the paper sign ripped off of the wire frame. I put it back on. The next day the sign was completely removed from our property, the empty wire frame still implanted in our yard. So within about 3 days of getting our Kerry-Edwards lawn sign, it was vandalized and stolen.
Yesterday, we looked out on our front lawn, and saw Geri Evans had set up a lawn sign in our yard.We're leaving it up, because we support her anyway, but neither of us remember authorizing it!
And the Char Samuelson sign that was leaning against the side of our house? Also missing! I was going to return it to her campaign headquarters , but now it's gone too!
We wonder what the neighbors think of us keeping up lawn signs for 3 days, then having them go missing like that.