
Pass the chips.

Thursday, December 02, 2004

Nothing but bad news. I 'm sorry but its true.

1) My husband got laid off from his job.
2) My kids school is scheduled to be shut down this summer due to school district budget probems.
3) My car broke down, I don't want to take it to Saturn because I don't know if I can afford the repair when it gets there. Meantime my husband drives me to work and the kids to school and both again in reverse in the afternoon.
4)I had to re-schedule my daughter's pediatric endocrinology appointment. Last mid-september I put her on the waiting list to get in , on January 4th. Now that my company is going to be bought as of January 3, no one know what our insurance will be, or if it will be in effect officially on January 4, if the doctors billing office were to call to confirm. The next available appointment was March First. I took it , but my god she could be grown as tall as an Amazon by then!! She's only 11.
5) My little sister in law just married a blatant con artist.
6) We still don't have a computer at home. About 6 months ago a power surge fried our motherboard, and Gateway said our tower was obsolete & they don't make that kind of motherboard any more so we can't just get it replaced. Must buy a new tower. Don't have $300 extra dollars laying around.
7) 3 coworkers in my 8 person department just quit, and our admin won't commit to replacing them. They have neither approved nor rejected my managers 3 new-hire requisitions. Silver Lining: If we do get approved to hire, one of my best friends want to apply! Too bad its not my husband's line of work.
8) Oh just everything.


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