
Pass the chips.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

Busy Week.
Mon the 15 was my birthday, I turned 40.
Tues we found out the lazy, crappy company that owns my office sold our office to a spectacular-looking, excellent international company that acually maintains and upgrades its software products and encourages actual research and development...so I say the aquisition date on or around Jan 1 can't come soon enough for me.

But Thursay morning, my husband went to work and his managers took him aside and told him he is laid off!
He knew it was coming , because it had alread happened to so many others in his office. Luckily, his severance package was very generous if you ask me, so he can put a lot of time and thought into his next job.

Thursday afternoon I had both my kids' parent teacher conferences, and they both went great. My son's pre school just insisted that his behaviors were such a great concern, and he'd been asked to leave his previous day care due to his demanding behavior, so I almost started crying when his new Kindergarten teacher says he's been in her class for 3 months, and she hasn't seen anything unusual at all, and that he plays well with others, and she enjoys having him in her class. She is my new super hero! And my daughter's 5th grade conference went well , too. I'm glad we're having her tutored in math, because all her grades have improved, not just her math grades, she's paying more attention to detail and quality than she ever has in the past!

First Avenue Club in downtown Minneapolis opened again last night, under new management. I couldn't go, but I feel better just knowing that after two weeks of announcing it's closed, it was able to open again. First Avenue is the heart of the city of Minneapolis, if you ask me. I need it to be there, even if I'm rarely able to go.

My friend Debi is looking for work too so I forwarded her resume to my manager and another manager in our office. I'm skeptical, though. I keep trying to recommend another old friend with experience almost identical to the job I already have. Once he was passed over in favor of a guy who kept sleeping in the break room and not coming back from lunch. More recently he got passed over in favor of a guy who staggers in drunk and tells us all , loudly, he's going to break one of our rude client's "fucking legs." Thursday night I made my husband smell my hair and clothes when I got home, because I swore I could still smell him. So I guess I don't have a lot of faith in senior management's hiring judgement ability these days.


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