
Pass the chips.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Debi came to visit , from Madison, on Friday night.

Coincidentally, my husband took our kids to visit his parents that same week end! We had a swinging batchelorette weekend, on the town!

I met her in downtown Minneapolis, we went to a Midori's Floating World Cafe Japanese restaurant, I had shrimp tempura like I did last time we went there, but this time I also ordered sushi for the first time. I turned out to like it ok. I've been thinking about it since I had it. I'll have to go back again and have more!

Then we came back to my house and watched a few taped episodes I have, of the Henry Rollins show.

Saturday morning, she drove us both to an all-Japanese supermarket in South Minneapolis, called The United Noodle. We had a blast. I swore I wasn't going to buy anything, but couldn't help buying 30 dollars worth of stuff. Half of it was shampoo and bottled hand soap. We need them anyway, and the bottles are Japanese, ok ? Then we went to the Lotus in Uptown. I can't remember when I was there last, and their spring rolls are as excellent as they were 15 years ago when I used to eat at the Lotus all the time. My room mates used to call it the Low-Tushe.

We hit The Electric Fetus record store, and we bought our tickets to the August 9 concert , X and Rollins Band, I can't wait for that! We went to the newly rebuilt downtown Minneapolis library, it's so big , I felt like I was at the airport. I can't wait to be able to go back some day and spend several hours. We stopped by the downtown Minneapolis Shinders' book store, the only place left in the whole Twin Cities I can think of that would still carry Viz humor magazine, from England. Yes, they carry it, but no, they're out right now ! What bad timing!

Then, we went to my co worker, who is also Debi's ex-co-worker's birthday party at his house in the northern suburbs of Lino Lakes. We only stayed less than 1/2 hour but it let her get to see a few ex co workers and I got to hang out with everyone for a while.

We had pizza at my house, then went to see A Prairie Home Companion at Har Mar. Dang. I don't know what I was expecting. I love listening to the radio show, but the movie just didn't make any sense! There was no reason to have the Guy Noir character, he didn't really interact with anyone. There was no plot-related reason to have a radio actor die in the basement. The Angel of Death character was entirely wooden and uninteresting. We both agree we'd have preferred a film version of just the making of the radio show, since those were the only interesting parts of the movie.

We came back , took turns checking our email and went right to sleep.

Today we got up, had breakfast here, and went to Cheapos to look for music and videos. Again I told myself I wasn't going to buy anything, but for $7 I found a 1998 Norwegian Language film called The Other Side of Sunday, "Søndags Engler" på norsk. So of course I coudn't pass that up.

Debi left at noon and I watched my new movie. How depressing. It is all about the teen aged daughter of a strict, violent minister, in a small town.

It's 5:30 on Sunday night. My husband and kids should be coming home any minute now.


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