
Pass the chips.

Monday, September 05, 2005

From an email sent to some friends today:

My kids go back to school tomorrow.

Last Wed, Aug 31, we went to my son's new school's open house to meet his new First Grade teacher and see his new room. My 6 year old son had to do all the talking, because I actually started to cry! I'm crushed his old school had to close down due to budget cuts. I worried will she appreciate who he is, or like last year's afternoon day care teacher, will she send home a series of written warnings and complaints and make me have special conferences with her?

Later last week, some of my daughter's friends told her they'd received letters in the mail inviting them to an open house at their middle school. And that open house day had already come and gone by the time her friends told her about it. We wondered why we never got one. So my husband, still unemployed, took our daughter to the middle school front office on Friday, and they looked her up and found out she's not even enrolled! We don't know how she got over looked like that, but we're lucky her friends tipped us off something was wrong. I'm still agonizing over how she would have shown up for her first day of middle school tomorrow, and had them say, sorry, never heard of you.

My husband is still unemployed, and does not qualify for unemployement, because faced with the choice he did quit rather than allow himself to be fired. And this week is mortgage week. We didn't like telling our 11 year old daughter she'll have to wait to do school clothes shopping until a week after school has started, but it's true. She has enough clothes though, and half the stuff she keeps talking about is unneccessary anyway, and can wait a week. She wants a "Gir" hat, from Invader Zim. And the 'Gir" backpack, even though she already has a good back pack. I think she can survive a week without a Gir hat.Come to think of it I think I read on her school forms, her school doesn't even allow hats!

We also don't have every school supply on their list, but I'm sure we have enough to last the first 4 days of school. We have the entire rest of the school year to get all that other stuff.

Well I'm now waiting for Nickelodeon to start U-Pick Live again, now that it's fall, and school is starting. I love that Brent! He's kind of like Steve, only more hyper. Several times last winter and spring I pointed out to our daughter how Candace looked like a human skeleton!! You could see her collar bones !! Her arms looked like tooth picks. I came very close to writing the station to complain she wasn't setting a good body image. But then I remembered when I was 20 I just looked like that and I wasn't even trying. I was happy on the last few episodes of U Pick Live, they had Antonio and Garbagio on , as guests, I had always wondered what had happened to them, from previous years. Our tradition for the last few year, has been to come home at about 3:30, and put on U Pick Live and have a snack.

I was all excited today because a friend actually invited my daughter to play at their house today..only to come home from dropping her off and have 4 boys come over to play with my son almost right away. Or play with his toys, is more like it. I made everyone snacks anway. I always say I'd rather have everyone over here, than not know where my kids are.

Well I better go check on everyone.

Love Kathy


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