
Pass the chips.

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Another email I just sent to a friend. Edited of course,

Those pictures are great, you guys must have had a blast at the con!!
How's the library going and how's your boyfriend's job going as a school teacher? Anything else going on?
My husband says he heard a voice mail from you asking if we could get together...but by the time he mentioned to me that he'd heard that voice mail, the dates you mentioned were already past. Thanks Husband! ha ha
This week end, my husband will be out of town, in Green Bay visiting his parents, but I'm going to stay in town with the kids. I could have you over for a while I could even come get you, or we can always get together some other weekend.
I still work 6 to 3 at my job, this year our name is Cerner, ho hum, another year, another corporate name, same job same desk. And the occasional 8 am - 1 pm Saturday shift. It's pretty good. I still teach ESL one hour a week, lately it's been Tuesday nights, at an Adult Basic Education center here in New Brighton. Lately my assignment has been a Somali lady who is very recently arrived, who started the Beginning English class there, several months after all the other students had started, so they're all way ahead of her, plus she's shy and doesn't like to look up so its hard for her to particpate in class. I just meet one on one with her for an hour, they take her out of the class room for just that hour to meet with me and we just study some of the vocabulary that the class is working on , by me bringing in picutre books with pictures of the words or acting out some of the words and phrases. It would be easier if she would look up more.
My 11 year old daughter is just about to graduate 5th grade, and go to Middle School in the fall. My 6 year old son has had an almost 100% turn around in his behaviors. His kindergarten teacher and afternoon YMCA day care teachers all insist he's cheerful, attentive and cooperative and doing well. I have no idea why he was so unhappy for so long, but I don't miss it. My daughter has become obsessed with her friend's DVD s of an old 90's cartoon called Invader Zim and is always looking for Invader Zim toys, and looking up Invader Zim web site references. She's also obsessed with a game-cheet web site on which users can post their observations about cheets and "glitches" (bugs) in various video games, then she goes back to her video game and re-creates the glitch, or tries as hard as she can to find her own game glitches so she can be first to report it. Today I told her jeez, I know software tech's who get paid thousands of dollars a year just to do that all day. Her rock tumbler is back on again so she can polish up a new batch of GRAVEL, so our house has that constant crunchy hum going in the background all the time. I can't believe you have to run those things for 30 days!!
I've been enjoying listening to 98.3 The Current. They can stop playing Bright Eyes any time, now, thank you. But Mike Doughty's solo songs are sounding pretty good. I might have to get his album when it comes out. I'd also like to see his next show, even though I know some people who saw him last time he came to Minneapolis and his show sucked, and I left early the one time I saw his solo show a few years ago, it was so BAD!
Did I tell you my husband finally got a new job , at a legal publishing company in Eagan? He started about a month ago. He's not really happy with it, and it pays significantly less than what he's used to, but he got tired of being unemployed for 4 months, and just wanted to take something. He's still looking, really.
A close friend of mine is seriously considering library science school, only this one is in Madison WI. I should get you two together some time!
Thanks for showing everyone the pictures of your convention!


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