
Pass the chips.

Saturday, May 08, 2004

It is Saturday May 8, 2004 at about 1:00 pm.
It was my turn to work the Saturday 8:00 - 1:00 shift in my office, we take turns doing it alone. And wouldn't you know it my husband had a church class scheduled at that same time, so I brought both my kids to work with me.

When I was a kid, for a few months, my mom had to clean the neighborhood LDS church and scrub its floors so we could receive "Church Welfare" while my dad was out of town. And apparently it wasn't tragic enough to me and my little sister that my way-pregnant no-car mom had to walk there, then get down on her hands and knees and scrub scuff-marks off the floor in order to receive aid from a church to which we had always given 10% of our gross-income in the past. We insisted we wanted to watch saturday morning cartoons while we were there, so we wouldnt have to miss those few hours per week that tv acually used to show cartoons back then. So our mom put our portable tv in our red wagon and lugged it all the way there, on our walk.

So I brought our portable tv, with Nintendo Game Cube and the game Animal Crossing attached, in the trunk of my car, and brought it up the elevator with us, in our red wagon, partly in honor of that memory. And partly to keep them busy for 5 hours. Also crackers, juice boxes , and microwave popcorn. My son found a can of coke on this up-for-grabs snack table my department keeps and has already spilled it right under my chair at my desk, I have soaked up most of it that I can, out of the carpet, with paper towels, but its always going to look like I peed or barfed or something on this carpet, I'm afraid.

So few phone calls this morning, why was this even necessary?

Last week end I bought a $23 box of American Sign Language Magnetic Poetry magnets, brought them to work, and was horrified to find out that of the 340 "sign language tiles" advertized on the box, the great majority are letters of the alphabet over and over again, and about 30 or 40 actual word signs. Plus I had already lost the receipt. So I sent out an email to about 30 or 40 people in my department to say "free American Sign Language alpahbet magnets at my desk, come get them, have fun, spell your name." A lot of people visited me to say they know some sign language, or want to learn it, and a deaf lady said she'd teach me anything I want to know...so maybe they weren't such a waste of money!

Like so many others, I'm horrified by the pictures of the abuse by American soldiers against Iraqi prisoners of war. If this is how we treat people who ARE covered by the Geniva Convention, how are we treating those held at Guantanimo Bay, who are not. Never mind, we already know. I appreciated what a comentator on The Daily Show with Jon Stewart had to say, President Bush's non-appology statements on Iraqi TV just seem to be saying, "Don't judge us by the actions of a...um... well, don't judge us by our actions. " And, "Just because it's something we DID, doesn't mean it's something we WOULD DO!"

Good lord my kids are running around on my office's 4th floor balcony outside. I have to go rescue them. It is time to go.


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