
Pass the chips.

Monday, October 28, 2002

I miss Senetor Paul Wellstone so much! I cried all day Friday and all week end.
Here are the places I remember seeing him:
The rally in front of the Minneapolis Metrodome in 1991 to protest the Washington DC use of racist logos for their team, at the Super Bowl that year.
His Fund Raiser in about 1996 at which Al Franken spoke.
His Fund Raiser at about that same time, in Highland Park in St. Paul, at which actual Ben and Actual Jerry spoke, and distributed Ben and Jerry's ice cream bars. That is the only time I remember also seeing Sheila.
One day around 1996 my friend and I drove past his campaign headquarters on University Avenue in St. Paul, and he was standing out in front , talking to someone very animatedly, jumping up and down and waving his arms!
Martin Luther King Day Rally, January 2001. He came and spoke.
His spanish-speaking daughter-in-law came and spoke at a social justice meeting that my husband and kids and I attended, also in January 2001. Paul Wellstone himself was unable to attend, as he was in Northern Minnesota meeting with our Miners who were on strike that winter.
My husband Paul insists that in 1996 he and I both took the bus , several times, to some place on Highway 280 and made fund-raising telemarketing calls for Paul Wellstone, but I swear I was not there. Paul must have gone without me. He insists I was there.

I need to go back to volunteering to teach English as a Second Language. I'm not making a contribution to the community, really, these days.


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