
Pass the chips.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Do you think we might be over wired?
Right now, our 13 year old daughter and 8 year old son are watching Japanese anime episodes, together, online, on our desk top computer downstairs. Here on the main floor my husband is watching the Vikes on tv, with the sound off, and listening to the Packers on the radio, our Sunday afternoon autumn ritual since we married 17 years ago. And I'm at the dining room table, on my laptop borrowed from work, on our wireless here at home, updating Facebook.com to add a link to my web log, now updating my web log itself, and about to watch Tenacious D The Pick of Destiny on this same laptop in just a moment, with headphones, so my kids won't hear it.

I went ahead and bought a plane ticket to Seattle/Tacoma to see my sister on the weekend of October 6, and I'm so excited! As far as I know, however, no one is driving over from my hometown to join us. So forget them. It'll just be me.

My 17 year old nephew sent me a MySpace message a few days ago, which is unusual in itself. But he added that he doesn't understand why his grandma, in 1963, as an unwed teen ager, would have placed a baby for adoption rather than raise it herself, as he insists he'd do if he ever got someone pregnant now. I thought dream on, it's easy to say that now in the year 2007, your high school has a day care in it, and an unmarried woman with or without a child can potentially hold a living wage job. He has no idea! I haven't even replied! What do I say that won't sound archaic?

Yesterday was awesome! I met a lady on line from Minneapolis who is a big Ants fan, we met in a coffee shop near Uptown Minneapolis, and went over some old magazines I have from the early 80's, NME, The Face, Trouser Press and some others, and she brought her laptop and we went on the coffee shop's wireless and google searched and wikipedia'd the names of other bands and musicians we found reported in these magazines at that time, and the music critics , to see what they were doing now. It felt good to get out for a few hours, drink jasmine tea, talk to a grown up with plans and activities of her own, such as her band she's in, and just relax. So many of her fellow artitsts and musicians stopped by and greeted her and introduced themselves to me. I didn't know whether to be charmed or disturbed by how many over 30's were unhappy in thier day jobs, poorly paid, arguing with room mates, dating, breaking up. I associate so much of that with my early and mid 20's. I love being over 40. It sure pays better. Maybe I shouldn't generalize for everyone. But it sure pays better FOR ME !!

My 8 year old son has started swimming lessons again! He sure loves the water! I've never seen him smile bigger! And he looks forward to going! He never usually wants to leave the house! And my 13 year old daughter suprised me, too. She said, you know how I got such good grades last year so I could go on the class camping trip. I have to do it again this year. But now that I'm an 8th grader, our class trip at the end of the year is going to be out of town. WE' RE GOING TO NEW ORLEANS to do cleaning!


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