
Pass the chips.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

We took our kids to see Spiderman III last night. My 8 year old son rocked in his seat and did repetitive hand gestures and I took him out in to the hall several times because I worried he was distracting people around us. No one was directly behind us, though, and it didn't look like anyone noticed.

Earlier yesterday, I took my daughter to fencing class, and I struck up a conversation with the mom next to me. I mentioned what college I'd gone to, and she asked me if I knew someone, and named an old class mate of mine! I agreed that I knew him. So I asked her if she knew others who had been his friends in college, including Thomas Erickson. She didn't , but the mom other side of her popped her head around and said, "Did you say Thomas Erickson?" She nudged her husband on the other side of her, and there was Thomas Erickson, waving at me. Not joking. I probably haven't laid eyes on him in almost 20 years, but I ask someone next to me if she'd ever met him, based on other aquaintances, and similar interests, and he was sitting right there! I almost fainted! They all laughed, but I wanted to leave immediately, I was so shocked!

This morning I used mapquest to plot a 5K course around my neighborhood, so I could run it to prepare for the Susan G Komen Race for the Cure for Breast Cancer, next Sunday. It almost killed me. I had to stop and walk several times. And although I did not catch the exact time on my way out, it looked like it took me about an hour, as opposed to the 41 minutes it took me last September. But, again, I did finish it. So I'll finish it next week, too. I just have to remind myself that when I started last spring , I could hardly make it around the small park near my house!

This afternoon we all went to the annual Freak Festival that is South Minneapolis's Heart of the Beast Puppet Theater's May Day parade. As always, we had to drag our kids out of the video game arcade that is our basement, and force them to go, under protest. But they did go. This year's theme was "water." Our kids liked the giant walking toilet, and the rolling, block-long sewage pipe.


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