
Pass the chips.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

My resolution to get more organized in general was a miserable failure by Jan 2 !!!

Jan 2:
I booked my SECOND round trip flight to Atlanta, after my first disasterous trip ,the one that I only figured out after I go there that the project had been cancelled. Just about 3 hours later I found that,1) I had the departure date wrong by one day, and 2) I can't go. I'm booked solid that entire 2 week period.And the ticket was non refundable. And no, they couldn't make an exception, I even called and asked.

Jan 3:
So I spent all day today making use of my new cell phone's calendar feature, putting in every appointment date and time anyone in our whole family has, so I can check it easily, and the timer should go off and alert me to things. I was all proud of myself. Then tried to call one of the people I have an upcoming appointment with, and found out my cell coverage was cancelled because I hadn't mananged to organize paying the bill for it recently, and had never really read the policy for it, anyway.. Big Dummy!

It's going to be a long year.

I was all excited about my cell phone until today. I had to call my cell phone carrier to ask why I was disconnected. They told me it was because I had gone over my $500 limit!

Mind you I may be a month or two behind, and it might include some long distance charges from my land line, but I can assure you most if it is me not checking the rates, times of day, and using up all my contractually limited daytime hours playing on internet web pages and seeing what works.

When our phone was just a phone, I didn't use it that much, never went over the time limit, and didn't even really know what it was.

I can remember when my husband and I paid $425 per month for a very nice apartment. OK that was 15 years ago, but still, I can't believe I owe the cell phone company $500. Ok maybe I can believe it. But I have to be more careful. Well I paid a bunch of it today. And will pay the rest of it in a few weeks.

Oh well I still like it. I will post pictures from it when I figure it out


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