
Pass the chips.

Sunday, October 05, 2003

I can't keep up with the volume of calls, here at work, half the dept has been called out to be temporary members of some other emergency team, and our call volume seems to have nearly doubled as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountablity Act October 16, 2003 deadline approaches. So I've come in to work on a Sunday to go through some of my backlog of questions called in to me by clients, that I have not yet researched or resolved. Been here for a few hours and now taking a break, away from my call volume, away from my family & kids for a few minutes.
Going back and forth on my radio dial between Top-40, Hard-Rock & Metal, and National Public Radio.
Checked in on my Neopet Marco55112 and found its status was "dying" because I hadn't maintained it at all since I applied for the account a long time ago, so I figured out how to "feed" it until its staus was "not hungry".
My 4 year old son was invited to a birthday party for the first time, and I drove him to it yesterday. I got lost while driving and had to call them for further directions in a restaurant I pulled in to. Last night I dreamed about driving and driving and driving, and woke up very worried.
That's so weird about "Roy" of "Sigfried and Roy" getting mauled by one of his own tigers! Adds to the freak-show appeal they already had.
Found the email address of ex-Soul Coughing bassist Sebastian Stienberg this week! Still too chicken to email him!
My new favorite video is OutKast's "Oh Yeah" video, in which the same guy plays the part of all the musicians in the band. It looked ridiculous back in the early 80's when Paul and Linda McCartney tried the same thing in a video for "Coming Up," but the technology has improved and OutKast looked great!! I love the video and the song, its very pop-y and catchy!
Still receiving too many penis-enlargement, weight-loss, debt-relief and singles ads in my email.
Trillian instant messenger still hasn't resolved its Yahoo Instant Messenger connectivity problem for those of us with the free version, so I haven't had yahoo IM for about a week now. I keep triallian on at my desk all the time, and put it on on those occasional evenings I can get on the internet at night.
My husband scheduled a church class for himself on Tuesday nights, so I had to move my volunteer job tutoring English as a Second Language at a drop-in center in our neighborhood, from my usual Tuesday night, to Thursday nights, so I can watch the kids while he's at church. Thursday is more inconvenient for me, because I enjoyed being the one to take our daughter to Girl Scouts every other Thursday, now he has to do it without me.
I've been enjoying emailing and Instant messaging a few old high school classmates since the reunion, and we have a 'myfamily.com' page for photos I've been enjoying.
The big news here in Minneapolis to me, is that the First Avenue Club, where the best non-arena touring bands play, is very nearly bankrupt and may close soon. I will be officially old, if that happens. Its where I used to spend Saturday nights so often, in collge. Its where I saw Soul Coughing and Rollins band so many times. It's a local fixture of freak-dom and we'll be deminished without it!
I might have to sneak a camera in with me if I go see any bands any time soon, as my friend Debi wants, to get a picture of me in there, before it's gone!!
Song on the radio at the moment: Lil Jon and the East Side Boys: Get Low. I'm liking it!!
I have so many passwords to so many different web sites and softwares we use here at work, I need to keep a written list of them somewhere, I'd use the same one everywhere, but its getting more commeon for each site or software to insist on a specific format.
I just pulled out my well-worn copy of Alvin Toffler's "Future Shock" looking for my favorite passage about how the children of "today" (written in 1970) are at risk of growing up to be short-attention-span novelty-junkies, because the very same brain functions that have to take place in order to learn something new, which it is dangerous to have to over-use due to the neurochemical process it goes though, maintains an expected usage-level of some kind. Will quote it if I find it.


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