
Pass the chips.

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Just an update, here's how far I am on my husband's Doctor Who scarf.
He's been putting in excessive amounts of (paid!) overtime at work, and coming home ill.
I ran in the St Paul Winter Carnival Frozen 5K, where my finish time was 44 minutes 10 seconds. Some people finished in half that. And I was passed by about 7 people connected by a long green sheet with head-holes, dressed as a worm. I got passed by "the worm!" Even people standing on the sidelines started yelling at my group, "Faster! You don't want to get beat by the worm!" But, what can I say, I got beat by the worm by about 2 blocks.
That was two weeks ago, and I haven't run since. Not even for practice.


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